Posts about 2019
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Sketching out a Django redesign.
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Nothingness and identity in Python and Django
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Building a Django Community in Africa
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Building plugin ecosystems with Django
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Maintaning a Django codebase after 10k commits
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Building a custom model field from the ground up
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Maps with GeoDjango, PostGIS and Leaflet
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Apathy and Arsenic: a Victorian Era lesson on fighting the surveillance state
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Pentesting your Django apps
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Docs or it didn't happen! (with Q&A)
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Does this run in linear time? A case for algorithmics
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Persisting WebSocket connections with SharedWorkers
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Fetching data from APIs (GitHub) using Django and GraphQl without hitting the rate limits
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Jupyter, Django and Altair - Quick and dirty business analytics
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: How (and why!) to build a Django based project with SQLAlchemy Core for data analysis
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Simple visual regression testing
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Here Come The Robots - Django and Machine Learning
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Serverless Django with Zappa
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Pushing the ORM to its limits
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Django and Web Security Headers
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Frontend Development for Backend Developers
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: The 750,000-line long pull request: crafting a more resilient open source community
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: How PyLadies Brazil became the biggest PyLadies chapter of the world
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Take the goRe out of a DjangoReact stack
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Making your life (h)APIer with Django
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Logging Rethought 2: The Actions of Frank Taylor Jr.
- DjangoCon Europe 2019: Feeding the Pony: Contributing back to Django & How to make that work for you