I've presented at various conferences and on various topics. If you'd like me to speak at your conference, please reach out. Some of the talk recordings linked below are in German – I've added short explanations what they are about – but if you have further questions or would like to see an English version of any of the talks below, talk to me.
while history: continue
2019-09-16, Keynote speaker at PyCon UK in Cardiff. Slides with speaker notes and additional links. Warning: Many large images, minified version will be released later.
New: You can find a full transcript including images here.
Pony, Cat & Paw
2019-08-02, at PyCon Australia in Sydney. Slides with speaker notes and additional links
In this talk I share my tips on contributing to Django. It's directed at newcomers of all kinds – no matter if you have been coding for 20 years of can't code at all: Django contributions involve a lot more than code (and no code necessarily), and here I talk about how to get started with the Django project.
[german] Django für Admins
2019-04-20, at EasterHegg in Vienna. Slides with speaker notes.
This talk introduces Django with a focus on people working in ops. It explains how media and static files work (and where potential security issues lurk with both), what migrations are, and which management commands are particularly useful. The sentence “It's perfectly within your rights to ask the developers to …” makes up no more than 10% of the talk, I promise.
[german] Opening and Closing at 35C3
December 2018, Leipzig
Together with Rufus, I presented the Opening and Closing Events of the 35th Chaos Communication Congress (35C3, CCC). Since these events are not keynotes, but rather a greeting for and by the community, we opted to do them in German. The Opening Event, we summed up the past year and did some general housekeeping for the event: which things would happen, and when, and where. In the Closing Event we thanked the community and gave a very short and extremely incomplete overview over the things that had happened in the four days.
[german] Dezentrale soziale Netzwerke
2018-05-12, at GPN18 in Karlsruhe
This talk presented the state of Mastodon, the Fediverse, and one year after my previous talk.
[german] Privacy by Code
2017-10-24, at PrivacyWeek in Vienna
Putting privacy first means to consider it early in your software product and design phases. This talk sums up common issues and how to resolve them with structured approaches.
[german] Mammut statt Vogel
2017-05-26, at GPN17 in Karlsruhe
This talk presented the state of Mastodon, the Fediverse, and, and explains botht eh governing principles of the Fediverse and our practical experiences with running a Mastodon instance.