Assorted Links: 2018-06

Well, well. This is only the fourth installmant of Assorted Links (funny, weird, fascinating, educational, cool stuff I came across while surfing the web), and already my backlog is huge! So, I've decided to include two to three bonus links in every post: A video, a German post, and a code repository somewhere.

  1. Collection of chart and graph types
  2. Making art with SSH key random art
  3. The life of Dr James Berry
  4. Deep work
  5. The HP-35
  6. A live-demo explanantion of clickjacking
  7. FlopStarter
  8. Hidden command attacks on Siri/Alexa
  9. Warning: Violence, nudity, existential dread. Google StreetView Tumblr. Contains beauty, too.
  10. Engineered for dystopia

Bonus German link: Wie Bibi zum Problemelefanten wurde (Achtung: Bedrückend, Tierquälerei und -jagd)

Bonus code repository: thefuck

Bonus video link: German, aswell: Der kleine Unterschied 2018

I'm publishing these posts monthly – if you have cool links you want me to include, drop me an email or ping me on!