
A list of texts and blogs that are important to me. Blogs that are not active anymore are marked with a †. This page has two sections: Blogs, a classic blog roll, and Core Texts, a list of foundational texts that may or may not explain parts of my brain.


All of these blogs have RSS feeds. This list is a (significant, but not major) subset of my regular reads. It's selected for sites that inform my thinking to a noticeable degree, and that I don't regret spending time with, and that I think others might enjoy, too. I included the odd or weird sites, but left out the oddly weird ones. Ordered by topic and then vaguely alphabetical by domain. Topic sections are Tech, History, Misc.



  • ACOUP. I have found nothing that comes close, so far. Even if it were just for his posts on how realistic battle tactics in Lord of the Rings were (very) and the same for Game of Thrones (very not), this site would be top of the list.
  • Cabinet Magazine doesn't always hit my areas of interest, but when it does, it's outstanding. Archives are only accessible to subscribers, so no links here.
  • Rare historical photos is less scholarly than I like, but more than you'd expect. And there's something about seeing photographs that really brings history home.
  • Science in SciFi, Facts in Fantasy investigates real-world phenomena (in history and science) and how they apply to worldbuilding. Crossover of two of my favourite things. Posts are typically by guest authors who are experts in their respective fields.
  • Social History Blog gets into extremely niche questions with an admirable investigative attitude. Attached to an academic journal.
  • John Bull publishes modern history with a journalistic slant on Medium. One of my favourite posts is The problem with the Romans is they always try to walk it in, which is exactly what it sounds like.
  • The Analog Antiquarian writes in-depth long posts that are connected in something resembling a book. Always worth the read.


Core texts

In no particular order.

Silliness I love

Here are some texts that aren't core texts for me, but they make my brain happy.

Business texts

Another set of texts that are like core texts, just for business things. Good pricing, good behaviour, etc.