DjangoCon Europe 2017 - Rants and Ruminations From A Job Applicant After 💯 CS Job Interviews in Silicon Valley
Speaker: Susan Tan
This is a success story - Susan is now employed!
Susan worked beforehand at other tech companies (Rotten Tomatoes, Piston/Cisco), and came with high and specific expectations:
- No large companies
- No homogeneous culture
- No arrogant young techbros
- No stupid apps
- No to being a co-founder or first engineer
- No to office more than 53km away
Horrible things about the job interview process
- The silent treatment: Receiving no feedback or an impersonal reply at the very most.
- You hired your friend: Don't waste other people's time if you're just going to hire your friends.
- Ask useless questions, like what a person wants to achieve in their lifetime.
- Ask to do impossible tasks.
- Offer a reasonable deal, then refuse to negotiate.
- Pose home code challenges as an excuse for unpaid labor (bonus points if it does not even apply to the position)
This sucks
- Job interviewing can be close to a full time job.
- Repetition is annoying (communicating requirements etc)
- Job searching is terrible (dealing with recruiters etc)
- You need to filter out bad companies as soon as possible.