Assorted Links: 2019-01
My link backlog is now huge enough that I'll publish these posts more often. Occasionally, for example this time, they'll have a German counterpart, with ten German links, so check it out if you understand German!
- Rare historical photos, with long explanations. A worthy addition to your feed reader.
- The complete Apollo 11 landing, including transcripts and audio files. Very Pale Blue Dot. (more)
- Many Ways to Be a Girl, but One Way to Be a Boy
- Times Newer Roman, the best kind of hack.
- A Brief History of Buildings That Melt Things
- Calvin and Muad'dib makes Dune about five times better.
- Vintage Books, New Titles
- From VNC to reverse shell
- Why 2,000 Year-Old Roman Concrete Is So Much Better Than The One We Make Today
- The world is on fire but the new Google Pixel 3 is a good phone
Bonus code repository: Using the Google Speech to Text API to defeat ReCaptcha
Bonus video link: Arms Sales: USA vs Russia
I'm publishing these posts monthly – if you have cool links you want me to include, drop me an email or ping me on the fediverse (or on Twitter).