Assorted Links: 2018-08
My link backlog has grown by so much that I'm considering doing this stuff twice per month or once per week. Opinions? Tell me on or via email.
- Scalability! But at what COST? (ublock 0)
- My four months as a private prison guard (ublock 24)
- Laziness does not exist (ublock 1)
- A Muslim astronaut's dilemma: How to face Mecca from space (ublock 19)
- Robotic, But Lovable (ublock 25)
- The Tao of tmux (ublock 3)
- The crooked timber of humanity (ublock 15)
- A Case Study in Not Being A Jerk in Open Source (ublock 1)
- The 99 best things that happened in 2017 (ublock 4)
- Back to the Future of Handwriting Recognition (ublock 1)
Bonus German link: (ublock 0)
Bonus code repository: howdoi (ublock 3)
Bonus video link: Chairplane, erm, no, the other aviation based one: You have control (ublock 11)
I'm publishing these posts monthly – if you have cool links you want me to include, drop me an email or ping me on!